Pregnancy baby bump casting: Stunning, memorable gifts
Here at Baby Casts and Prints, we don’t just produce stunning 3D casts of your baby. We also create family casts, including beautiful 3D pieces featuring family members holding hands. Now, we have even more to offer, with the addition of pregnancy belly bump casting to our range.
At the moment, we help you to remember just how tiny your baby was before they grew up, with lasting casts of their hands and feet, but now we’re striving to ensure you have a stunning memory of the whole journey.
We understand that pregnancy can be a very special time for an expectant mother, and we can create you an everlasting memory of your time with a baby bump. The process itself is of course completely safe, and will be an entirely bespoke experience. You can choose whether to have just your belly included in the cast, or add in your breasts, hands and partner’s hands.
Ideally, you’ll be 36 or 37 weeks pregnant at the time of your casting session, but it’s possible to create your cast either earlier or later in the pregnancy.
There are currently two pregnant bellymasking techniques that can be used to produce your keepsake:
1. Wet Modroc Plaster Bandages
In this procedure, we cover your baby bump with wet Modroc plaster of Paris bandages. The bandages quickly dry, forming a cast moulded to the shape of your body. Overall, the process itself takes between one and two hours, after which it the cast can be removed from your bump. At this point, we’ve got all we need from you, and we get to work to produce a stunning finished product. We clean the cast and give it a bit of a tidy up, to bring you a smooth, great looking piece. This takes between five and ten days, after which it is ready for you to collect and take home.#
2. Deluxe Smooth Alginate
This is definitely the better of the two options, delivering you a high quality finish and a much more detailed final product. As with the casts we produce of baby hands and feet, we use an alginate solution for this, placing it on the area you want casting, and also layering it with bandages to ensure the frame and shape is strong. This technique allows us to properly and accurately capture every small detail of your belly bump, and if you want to include them, your hands.
After the alginate has hardened properly, we’ll remove the cast from your body, and layer the inside of it with plaster of Paris. This leaves a smooth finish, giving you a truly perfect and stunning final product.
No matter which of the options you choose, you then have the option to have your cast decorated. You can leave the cast plain, with a smooth, concrete-style look, or you can have it painted to give it the finish of your choice. As with our baby hand and feet casts, your baby bump can be painted in a variety of colours. Amongst those available, you can leave your casting in a stunning gold or bronze colour, or can give it a classy, silver finish.
If you’re interested in having your baby bump casted to create a stunning gift or keepsake for you and your family, get in touch. Contact us now to find out more about the pricing, and to have any questions or concerns you may have about the process answered. Call us on 0161 533 1060 or send us an email by clicking here.